The full Knowledge Corridor Talent and Workforce Strategy, produced by the UMass Donahue Institute, is now available.

02 May

The Valley Vision plan lays out a detailed strategy to promote compact, mixed use growth in and around urban, town, and village centers while promoting the protection of open space and natural resources outside the developed center.
02 May

The purpose of the Regional Housing Plan is to identify opportunities related to housing market stability, housing affordability and fair access to housing in the Pioneer Valley in order to create a region in which all residents are able to choose housing that is affordable and appropriate to the
02 May

The Green Infrastructure Plan is meant to assist communities in the region as they continue the journey toward a more environmentally sustainable stormwater management program.
02 May

Sustainable transportation consists of the efficient use of existing resources to increase mobility while positively impacting economic development, quality of life, and the preservation of the natural environment.
02 May

The purpose of the Pioneer Valley Regional Brownfield Plan is to facilitate assessment, cleanup, and redevelopment of contaminated and blighted properties in our region. EPA defines a brownfield site as real property, the exp
02 May

The purpose of the Climate Action and Clean Energy Plan is to promote greater understanding of the causes and consequences of climate change in the Pioneer Valley.
02 May

The Pioneer Valley is fortunate to have an extremely well organized and highly functioning regional food system that addresses both food insecurity and development of a sustainable food system through long-standing, successful efforts by groups with a regional vision such as the Food Bank of West
02 May

A clean and healthy environment is vital for everyone’s quality of life. This includes the natural diversity of biological species and communities, and the ability of ecosystems to be resilient.