
Achieving regional progress means working together to find creative solutions. 

The Pioneer Valley Planning Commission's professional staff of planners specializes in community development, economic development, environment and land use, regional information and policy, transportation and transit, historic preservation, municipal services, graphics and mapping, and Geographic Information System services. Under these broad areas, we provide an ever-expanding menu of services tailored to immediate local and regional needs with an eye toward the longer term and the larger context. Our approach is grounded in solid research and analysis applied in flexible and interdisciplinary fashion.  

Contact our staff and find out how PVPC can work with you.

Current Projects

The Pioneer Valley Metropolitan Planning Organization (PVMPO) recently launched a new Webiste.  Please use this link to find all current documents and resources.

Click Here to be redicted to the 2024-2028 TIP

A new webpage with all related content for the 2024 Update to the Regional Transportation Plan (RTP) for the Pioneer Valley MPO is now live.