The purpose of the Western Massachusetts Evacuation Plan is to provide emergency responders on the local, state, and federal levels with the resources necessary for conducting a regional evacuation in as efficient and effective a manner as possible.

11 Sep
Complete Streets Presentation from September 10, 2014 JTC meeting. Presented by Lou Rabito P.E, MassDOT Complete Street Engineer
18 Jun
The Public Participation Plan (PPP) established the process for public involvement in and awareness of the activities of the Pioneer Valley Metropolitan Planning Organization.
06 May

The PVMPO has extended the Public Review for the Proposed Changes to the TEC until Monday June 16, 2014. We are interested in your comments on the proposed new TEC and how it functions to evaluate potential transportation improvement projects.
06 May

TEC is the system utilized by the Pioneer Valley Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) to determine the regional impact of Federal Aid eligible tran