Pioneer Valley Cyber Security Regional Forum

PVPC hosted 30 municipal and community partners to the Pioneer Valley Cyber Security Regional Forum to discuss important risks that municipalities face in protecting the digital content of their communities.
Secretary Jason Snyder, from the MA Executive Office of Technology Services & Security Secretary (EOTSS) and Commonwealth Chief Information Officer welcomed the group and he and other EOTSS staff shared important training and funding opportunities available to municipalities throughout the year.
Opportunities include staff training, cybersecurity health checks, grants for infrastructure improvements, and more! Thank you to all of the EOTSS staff who shared their time and expertise with us.
If your municipality would like assistance accessing these opportunities, or for other Municipal Technology needs, please contact Molly Jackson-Watts, Manager of Data, Education, and Municipal Technology at PVPC ( and she would be happy to help!
You can learn more about Commonwealth Cybersecurity opportunities here:
You can learn more about PVPC’s Municipal Technology support services here:
You can view the forum here: