Draft 2015-2018 TIP for Public Review
06 May 2014
Pioneer Valley Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) has released the draft TIP for public review starting May 2 through June 16, 2014. Please submit comments to Andrew McCaul at amccaul@pvpc.org
Associated Plan
Draft 2015-2018 TIP_Report June2014.pdf
2015 - 2018 Draft TIP Document June 2014
2015 - 2018 Draft TIP Document June 2014

DRAFT 2015-2018 TRANSIT TIP_APRIL282014PR.pdf
2015-2018 Draft TIP-Transit Tables
Federal Aid Highway Project Listing-Transit

DRAFT 2015-18 Pioneer Valley_May 27 2014.pdf
2015-2018 Draft TIP-Highway Tables
Federal Aid Highway Project Listing 2015-2018