2015-2018 Transportation Improvement Program (TIP)

The Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) is a requirement of the Metropolitan Transportation Planning Process as described in the Metropolitan Planning Final Rule 23 CFR 450 section 324.  This regulation developed by the Federal Department of Transportation defines the Transportation Improvement Program as:

“A staged, multiyear, intermodal program of transportation projects which is consistent with the metropolitan transportation plan.” 

The Pioneer Valley TIP is a four-year schedule of priority highway, bridge, transit, and multimodal projects identified by year and location complete with funding source and cost.  The TIP is developed annually and is available for amendment and adjustment at any time.  Each program year of the TIP coincides with the Federal Fiscal Year calendar, October 1 through September 30.  All TIPs and amendments are consistent with the goals and objectives of the Regional Transportation Plan for the Pioneer Valley region.  This TIP is financially constrained.


MAP-21, the Moving Ahead for Progress in the 21st Century Act (P.L. 112-141), was signed into law on July 6, 2012. Funding surface transportation programs at over $105 billion for fiscal years (FY) 2013 and 2014, MAP-21 replaces SAFTEA-LU which was enacted in 2005.  The 8 planning factors defined in SAFTEA-LU have been carried over into MAP-21.

MAP-21 is a milestone for the U.S. economy and the Nation’s surface transportation program. By transforming the policy and programmatic framework for investments to guide the system’s growth and development, MAP-21 creates a streamlined and performance-based surface transportation program and builds on many of the highway, transit, bike, and pedestrian programs and policies established in 1991.[1]  (See Appendix E for additional information)

MAP-21 Performance Measures:

Pavement conditions on the Interstate System and on remainder of the National Highway System (NHS)
Performance of the Interstate System and the remainder of the NHS
Bridge condition on the NHS
Fatalities and serious injuries-both number and rate per vehicle mile traveled-on all public roads
Traffic congestion
On-road mobile source emissions
Freight movement on the Interstate System


[1] http://www.fhwa.dot.gov/map21/

Project Manager

amccaul's picture
Andrew B. McCaul
Senior Transportation Planner II


2015-18 Pioneer Enforsed June 23, 2015.pdf

2015-2018 TIP Highway Tables June 2013
2015-2018 TIP Highway Tables June 2013
2015-18 Pioneer Enforsed June 23, 2015.pdf

2015 - 2018 Proposed changes to TIP_May 2015.pdf

Proposed Amendment to the 2015-18 TIP-May 2015
Proposed Amendment to the 2015-18 TIP-May 2015
2015 - 2018 Proposed changes to TIP_May 2015.pdf

Final 2015-2018 TIP_web.pdf

2015-2018 PVMPO TIP Enorsed June 2014
2015-2018 PVMPO TIP Enorsed June 2014
Final 2015-2018 TIP_web.pdf

2015-18 Pioneer Valley_Endorsed June 18 2014.pdf

2015-2018 TIP Final-Highway Tables_June2014
2015-2018 TIP Final-Highway Tables_June2014
2015-18 Pioneer Valley_Endorsed June 18 2014.pdf

Final2015-2018 TRANSIT TIP_June 18 2014.pdf

2015-2018 TIP Final-Transit Tables_June2014
2015-2018 TIP Final-Transit Tables_June2014
Final2015-2018 TRANSIT TIP_June 18 2014.pdf

Additional Documents

2015-18 Pioneer Valley_Endorsed March 12 2015_Tables.pdf

2015-18 Pioneer Valley_Endorsed March 12 2015_Tables
2015-18 Pioneer Valley_Endorsed March 12 2015_Tables
2015-18 Pioneer Valley_Endorsed March 12 2015_Tables.pdf

Proposed changes to TIP 2015 - 2018 PR _Feb3 2015.pdf

Summary of Proposed Changes to 2015 - 2018 TIP
Summary of Proposed Changes to 2015 - 2018 TIP
Proposed changes to TIP 2015 - 2018 PR _Feb3 2015.pdf
, ,

PVTA TIP 2015-2018_PR Feb 3 2015.pdf

2015-2018 PVTA TIP Tables
2015-2018 PVTA TIP Tables
PVTA TIP 2015-2018_PR Feb 3 2015.pdf

Complete Streets-9-10-14 (1).ppt

Complete Streets Presentation 9/10/14 JTC
Complete Streets Presentation 9/10/14 JTC
Complete Streets-9-10-14 (1).ppt

Pioneer Valley MPO Public Participation Plan with Endorsement Signatures.pdf

Pioneer Valley MPO Public Participation Plan - Feb 3, 2016
Pioneer Valley MPO Public Participation Plan - Feb 3, 2016
Pioneer Valley MPO Public Participation Plan with Endorsement Signatures.pdf

News and Articles

04 Feb

In accordance with the formal public participation program tied to the Pioneer Valley Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO), the Pioneer Valley Plan

06 May

Pioneer Valley Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) has released the draft TIP