Transportation Evaluation Criteria (TEC) Meeting

Wednesday, September 3, 2014 - 10:00am

The Joint Transportation Committee (JTC) will be meeting on September 3, 2014 @ 10am for the purpose of testing the proposed TEC.

TEC is the system utilized by the Pioneer Valley Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) to determine the regional impact of Federal Aid eligible transportation improvement projects.  Every project is ranked by TEC score, projects are funded based on score from highest to lowest based on available funding for the current Federal Fiscal year.

The current Pioneer Valley Transportation Evaluation Criteria (TEC) has been in use since 2004.  Scoring is based on a range from negative 18 to positive 18. TEC criteria are divided into two categories; Transportation Criteria and Other Impact Criteria.

  • Transportation Criteria consists of three sub categories; Condition, Mobility, and Safety. Each Sub category has several scoring criteria, which are outlined below. The Transportation Criteria section of the TEC allows for up to 9 point or 50% of the total TEC score
  • Other Impact Criteria consists of three sub categories; Community Effects and Support, Land Use and Economic Development, and Environmental Effects. Each Sub category has several scoring criteria, which are outlined on the next page. Other Impact Criteria allows for up to 9 points or 50% of the total TEC Score.


The proposed TEC scoring system attempts to bring in new Federal and State regulations, while promoting regional equity.  Please see the proposed TEC currently out for public.


60 Congress Street, Springfield MA 01104